Build Your Own Computer 5th Edn
  • Build Your Own Computer 5th Edn

Build Your Own Computer 5th Edn

278,30 kr


(ändra i Kundtrygghetsmodulen)


(ändra i Kundtrygghetsmodulen)


(ändra i Kundtrygghetsmodulen)

Now in its fifth edition this best-selling Manual has been fully revised to bring you right up-to-date with the latest technology explaining what you need and how to put it all together. Youll discover the best multi-core processors and graphics options whether solid-state drives are better than hard disks and the differences between Windows 7 and Windows 8 all written in a jargon-free style. With step-by-step photos showing how to build a powerful PC and a troubleshooting guide to help you with any issues you may encounter this up-to-date Manual is a must for anybody who wants to build their own computer.
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